{Meanwhile, in London... } spacer
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{Tuesday, February 04, 2003}


Meanwhile, not quite so much in London as in Kansas City, Missouri...

Yeah, I'm writing this stateside, as I'm sure most of you know. Other than the study abroad Americans, I don't pretend there's anyone who reads this who I didn't already tell I was coming home for a visit. Anyhow, I'll be heading back to the UK on February 11th, just in time for second semester (hooray!). Looking forward to seeing my lovely Americans again, as well as meeting the new ones, although I'm not at all looking forward to admitting to Mike Foster that I didn't register for classes yet. Sigh.

Anyway, I hadn't meant to write at all while here because I'm not technically in London (well, obviously), but I figured I'd post a quick entry to see if anyone even bothers checking this sorry ghost town of a blog anymore. I'm hoping I'll be a little more faithful and regular in my entires this semester, as I have a very strict budgeting plan set out for myself which allows for almost no fun. Not that I view this blog as something to do only when you're almost going crazy for boredom, or anything like that. Just that I'll have more time on my hands and...right. ...Stop talking, Ruth.

If anyone does happen to still be reading this, leave me a little comment, won't you?
posted by humanbecoming 12:27 AM
