{Meanwhile, in London... } spacer
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{Wednesday, February 12, 2003}


Kid tested, mother approved

Well, just in case anyone is interested...

Obviously I won't be updating this blog any more, as I'm home forever. But! I have started a new one. Woohoo!

While the subject heading does refer to both this blog - which I have kept nice and PG due to the audience I've been writing for - and the tasty-yet-nutritious Kix cereal, it probably won't end up referring to the new one (I'm sort of expecting people's parents and the like not to be interested now that I'm back - though obviously everyone is welcome if they don't mind the fact that I'm 20 and sort of bitter). So only go look at it if you don't mind swear words and juvenile references to body parts.

Thank you.
posted by humanbecoming 11:03 AM

{Monday, February 10, 2003}


Well, don't I feel like an idiot

Heheh. Heh. Hmm.

I'm not going back to England.

It's because of the current world situation, and also because of an illness in the family, and generally because it's an awkward time to be traveling so far. But don't worry, at least now I'm less likely to be blown up by terrorists! (Or more likely, I'm not sure which. Oh well.)

So, yeah.
posted by humanbecoming 8:17 PM
